Our Purpose and Mission:

1) Frequent THEATRE Job & work Alerts to everyone in the Group.

2) To Help Spread the News of Theatre Jobs as soon as they are announced

... 3) To aid Consultants as well as in their recruitment drives.

4) To allow Members to participate in discussions and conversations pertaining to theatre.

5) To Spread the Word about this Group and to increase the size of the network to potentially include each and every Theatre Professional in India currently using Facebook.

6) To encourage each and every member to engage, participate and contribute freely.

7) To develop relationships with others within this group and to expand each other's personal networks.

8) To be AUTHENTIC, to create a sense of belonging and to share our successes.

9) To grow healthily and to ensure long term vision for the group and it's members.
10) Regular theatre workshop show and artiste requirement will full fill
11) opporunity for new artiste and director
12) financial support for needy theatre person
13) Enlarge the role of theatre
14 ) publicity platform of your group and shows

And finally to thank TO ALL for enabling groups such as this to prosper
call us -09711847657...


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